In my last post, I remember saying I will post more pictures of the terrible hailstone that hit us here in Manitoba at pre-dawn yesterday.

As I started to search for  more signs  of  damage in our property, I spotted more things I never thought would sent me in despair.

I was a little upset . Not too upset to curse or blame someone.

I was maybe not angry, maybe it was a feeling of hopelessness and annoyance for my total laxity.

I knew there would be episodes of lightning, as some had been reported injured struck by a lightning  two days ago in a soccer field  and then a family’s  shed burnt after being struck by a bolt of lightning.

Those could have been signs ahead of what was to come, but I was too busy to carry on with life just as another normal day until tragedy struck.

The only thing I am grateful about is that, it was not our life  taken away, it was just one of those material possessions we can actually learn to live without.

Life is beautiful. 

The complete package of life, with all the ups and downs and all sorts of trials and tragedy that comes our way is always an opportunity to learn something from.

Here’s some of the other pictures I took.IMG00221



And our neighbor, sent my husband some pictures he took and I want to share it here too:



I soon as I saw it , I was like ” oh dear, I have no right to feel bad as some people had a taste of the terrible hailstone too.

What a day yesterday early morning 😦

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