Finally, I’ve got the car I wanted for so long .

Only, it was not brand new, it was not the latest model.

It was in fact the 2001 version.

Lots of  newer versions complete with newer features managed to sprung up the Automobile industry to drum up sales of the make of a car for the last 5 years.

If  I am in a different financial circumstances…I will be probably driving those newer version,

But alas, this all I can afford for the meantime, in this stiff economic downturn of the century…I am trying to tighten the belt load.

If only my car had not been damaged by that terrrible hailstone we have here last summer in Manitoba, I could still be driving it.But life really have many surprises and there are just things that happen thatis beyond our control.IMG00227


Here’s what I end up driving now…and here’s what  I tried to readied for winter for the last several days, putting winter tires and installing remote starter and the list go on…I just hope everything  I just did will get me to summer without any car problems…
